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And Words Are All I Have

What gets lost...

For Keeps

Why did I not grab every moment
and make it sing.
Look into people’s faces and find stories there
to take me into my old age.

We don’t take the time.
Do we?
Blithely we pass untraveled roads,
agonizing instead about the minutiae of our lives,
pairs and doubles,
the matched sets of things.

What will we leave?
Fragments of ourselves,
not the real thing.
The thing underneath it all
that makes our hearts beat,
gives breath to our dearest self.

That --
That which is
the best of us,
somehow gets muddled,
then irrevocably lost,
in our blind rush toward
the rest.

Why did I not grab every moment
And make it sing.

~~ Tricia McCallum


In my writer’s group we had an  assignment to set our timers for 10 minutes and write sentences beginning with the letter F. Only the letter F. (Try a list yourself. Choose your own letter.) They're known as prompts, and they're credited as indispensable tools to jump start the writing doldrums. These were my 10 F's (!) and were I …

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